History of the Club
Hollywood — November 13th, 1964, The first organizational meeting of the German American Society of Hollywood was held at 8 p.m., Friday in room 7, Hollywood Recreation Center on Polk Street and 21st Ave. 39 people of German descent showed up and are the original founders. The meeting was open to the Public.
It was “Holger Obermann” who conceived the original idea of founding the German American Society of Greater Hollywood, Inc. and was the main speaker at the meeting; and The German American Club of Hollywood was born.
The first Officers appointed by Holger Obermann from November 13, 1964 through December 31, 1965.

From left to right:
Holger Obermann (Founder) Ingeborg Slingby (Recording Secretary Fred Eckardt (Vice President) Hildegard Messenger (Treasurer) Kay Demmerl (2nd vice President) Barbara Obermann (Corresponding Secretary) Seated, Johanna Neuser (President)